Thursday, August 7, 2014

What Do I Say?

I am listening to sad kind of music while writing this post so it's obviously gonna to be an emotional and sad post. I needa express it out... 

Here comes the end of semester 2. Well, semester two seems to end so fast that I don't even have any time to grumble about why time past so slow and why my life so miserable. In fact, I kind of enjoyed it. I guess accounting and marketing combo have made felt happier and enjoyable. What electives should I take in semester 3? Should I take UOL programme and take up microeconomic and then straight away go UK or counting on my CGPA to get into Mo***h? I'm confused. I dislike economic because it needs us to draw graph which I hate it so much. Plan to take Calculus and Finance in semester 3. So my semester 3 will gonna be a full-mathematics subjects except for CAP (Culture, Arts and Politics). Yesh, I love maths so much and even set a target that my future boyfiee should be a maths pro (I know I'm crazy). 

CTS (Critical Thinking Skills) subject that I have taken in this semester is driving crazy. It is obviously not a read-able and understandable subject. I have memorised lots of moral principle that I don't even understand before that. I don't even realize that there are so many moral principles involved just to make a small decision. Example, duty of reparation and duty of fidelity, do you understand them? Obviously NOOO. Even I don't understand. Learnt a new word, UTILITARIANISM. Hahah. Its a moral principle too.. I felt so stress after reading that. I guess psychology is not a suitable field for me as I understand mathematics better than moral or reasons. I actually evaluate a statement validity based on mathematical reasoning rather that theories. Thanks God that there is someone who created that mathematical reasoning. If not, I would have totally blank in that subject. 

Here goes the quoting time. MY Favourite =) =)
“罚站是我唯一可以和你  独处  的时刻”  摘于《同学会》电影。

这句话,怎么就那么吸引我?这部电影,我一定准时看。我喜欢淡淡,纯真的爱情片,不要过于over, 那就能吸引我。我希望它能带我回到小学时的幼稚回忆,那什么都不懂的我们,每天就只是嘻嘻哈哈的笑,完全不知烦恼怎么写,怎么形容。。上学,玩耍,和同学打闹,那是多么美丽的一件事,曾经觉得那只是个微不足道的事,但如今却好怀念,好想回到最真实的从前,最真实的自己。

“我不敢哭,因为我不想  认输”  摘于 《不敢哭》歌词。


Okayyy, gotta go. Gotta enjoy my semester break now. Running Man mode ON. Aaron's drama mode ON!! Kay Bye =)

Happystar Li

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