Friday, January 5, 2024

 It's okay to not be okay.

I like this word, very much. It kinds of speaking something that I whispered in my heart all the time, "It's okay to not be okay, It's okay to disappoint them 'cause only you yourself matter the most in the end". I always think that life is a storybook and we are the main actor/ actress. Everything happen throughout our life is something that god has already written in our script and there is no way to go against it, instead we have to face it, act with it. I don't know why I have this mindset but somehow this concept helps me to rationalise alot of thing in my life so it actually do makes sense. 

There is alot of thing going on recently and I found myself abit overwhelming. I am not as strong as what I thought, mentally. I have lot of thoughts running across my mind but I struggled to find the right words, the right way to express it out. There were times where my friends did offer to lend me a ears and I am almost close to expose it, but guess what, the very next second, I choose to escape! I don't know why I feel kind of unsecure to express all my thoughts to others. To me, I feel like telling people what am I thinking is almost similar to exposing myself nakedly, in a mentally way to others and that scared me the most. I don't have the habit of doing so or more like I've been suppressing myself from expressing my thoughts freely. 

All these while I have been asked to follow instructions, act with it and nobody actually telling me that I can or more like I need to express my feeling, the inner thoughts that keep replaying in my head all the times. The hectic audit life that I used to had have kind of shaped me into a person with poker face. I smile all the time that people around me start to believe that I am happy but only me myself know that, I am actually crying, deep down in my heart. I lose the confidence of expressing my feeling over the time that I don't feel like doing it now, at all, to anyone. I never know that I can actually walked up to someone and tell them "I can't do it", 'cause all these while they have been telling me that I need to say "I can do it". I need to be strong, I need to overcome this, alone. It's actually okay to not to be okay, it's okay to disappoint people, it's okay to cry out loud, it's okay to not to be perfect....

And this is how the story goes. So, I went for team building and I went for water rafting activity. I can't swim and I have a serious phobia to water. But, I don't get to have an option so I went all in. When the instructor briefed us on the rules and regulations, I was really really afraid, I am seriously hoping that there will be someone in the team standing up and say, I don't want to go and I would definitely follow him. But there was none. When I am right in there, sitting on the float, my mind went completely blank, the only thing I can hear my heart whispering was, "it's okay, you will be okay." But guess what, I accidentally fell into the river sometime later. The moment when I fell, my brain completely took over my heart, keep telling myself I need to lay down, I cannot stand in the water 'cause I might accidentally hit the rock later on. I had no idea how many times I told myself these and been forcing myself to lay down against the strong water current. I completely forgot that my hand was still holding on the paddling pad all the time which I was supposed to let it go the moment that I fell. In the end, I was rescued by the life guard but unfortunately my pinky finger fractured. 

My friend told me later on that I was really calm when I fell into the water. There was no sign of struggling happened on me and all these while, they saw me laying down and felt kind of giving up in life. I laughed, but I did not tell them that I am actually really really scared but I got no time to think about this, at that moment. I need to tell myself to lay down, I need to protect my toe nail so that it won't get injured again (I can never imagine myself going through the toe nail surgery again). Right until I was rescued, that was the only time I felt scare, really really scare, a sense of hopeless and I felt like crying but I can't. I did not want anyone in my team to feel guilty so I lied to them, I told them I was out of breath and I need some quiet time alone but I was actually sorting out my feeling and trying to calm myself down, mentally. 

I was sent to the hospital and only to find out that my pinky was fractured. I have a really mixed feeling when I tried to call my parents. What I want to tell them? What I want them to do for me? To pick me up now or wait till tomorrow morning? Or should I just laugh and tell them this is just a small matter? Obviously, I picked the last option, I told them it's just a small fractured and nothing serious. God knows how hard I have to control my tears not to make it scream down my cheek when I talked to them, how hard I try to sound cheerful and not make them worried but I am actually crying when I am calling them. At that point of time, I am really hoping that there is someone there to tell me, it's okay to cry, it's okay to not to be okay.... but..

Honestly speaking, when I was pushed into the operating theatre, I did cried when the doctor was operating my finger but luckily my face was covered with a cloth all the time. At some point of time, I asked myself, what if the doctor told me he can't make it, what if the operation fail? What am I gonna do? I have been living peacefully for the past 26 years and I think I have achieved all the things that I dreamed of in my younger days. I bought my red phone, red car and if you were to ask what is the thing that I still hope that I can do, I think it would probably be travelling to Italy, riding the Gondola ride in Venice. I dreamed of this place since young and I always want to visit them. If my operation failed today, if god wants to take back my life, I guess I am willing to? At least I have achieved the 50% of the thing that I want in my life. These are the thoughts keep popping up in my head during the surgery. 

Luckily that the surgery went on smoothly and I am back to the real world. Before I handed over my phone to my mum and get ready for the surgery, I received lots of text messages from everyone. I really appreciate their words of kindness and when I was going through all these messages for the last time, I was actually hoping that there is someone telling me that the surgery will be pain but it's okay, you can cry and I will always by your side. I think these are the words that I been trying to search through my phone but everyone is busy with their works so the texts I'm getting the most are "All the best, smooth surgery and recovery". I can't expect much from them, I know. It's okay if they don't tell me, I can always tell myself. I whispered in my heart.

They said life is difficult and I always agree on this. Life is difficult and what it makes it worst was, nobody telling you that you can do the wrong thing until you finally found this out on your own. It took me some time to figure this out and start to disappoint someone. I live a life and I want a happy one. I can't express my thoughts verbally, at least I can express it out via writing. It's a silent way of expressing bits by bits of the feeling in my heart. Honestly, I am not as strong as what I thought. I am a crybaby, I cry all the time, but my tears will only be between me and my blog. I feel secured to type it out anonymously. To me, this is a safe ground and my secret will not get exposed, at least for now. 

It's okay to not be okay, I guess this will the gift that I am planning to get for myself for this year. Live a happy life, try to and only make yourselves happy. 


Tuesday, March 1, 2022






他对我的好,我是知道的,可是我一直以为这只是干哥哥对妹妹的好吧,从来都没觉得什么稀奇。是,当局者迷,有好多不认识我们的人,都以为我们是情侣,他的 朋友也有问过他,我是不是他的女友,可是每次我都会假装听不见走开,从来没有想要认真听他怎么回答,因为我害怕,我害怕他会说出我不想弄明白的事情,我不想破坏他们之间的感情,不想当小三!他就那么自然地走进了我的世界,每天工作时间我们都会聊天,不知有什么好聊的,可是就好像聊不完。我对他的感觉就好像哥哥一样?我不知道怎么说,哥哥可是又好像不是,可是,我真的不想当小三!

还记得有一次,我们需要出trip去工作,他忘了带鞋子,便拉着一班人陪她逛街买鞋。当时大伙儿突然说想去另一家店看背包,所以都过去了,只剩我和他,他便拉我陪她去选鞋子。他叫我帮他选鞋子,可是我不懂男装,我说我不会,可是他却坚持要我帮他选。我记得当时的服务员就告诉我 “不如你帮他选吧,你选什么,他都满意的,因为是你选的!”我明白服务员的意思,可是我听了后顿时觉得 很害怕,什么?我不要!我看了看他一眼,希望他能帮我解释情况,可是他没有!!他只是笑笑的不出声,我看不明白,便对服务员表明了他是我老板,我替他打工的。








Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Game Over

Its the ENDDDD! Finallehhhh, everything has comes to an end. I get to rest after like 2 years? And yes, is my REST time so I do not expect anyone to disturb me. Hahahaha. The feeling is soooo good. When you realized that what you have been stressing on for the past few months or maybe years finally gone, I can't really describe the HAPPINESS, FREEDOM and etc...

The stress started since 2019 when I was forced to deal with client on my own for the very first time. I knew nothing, seriously, NOTHING. I still remembered I kept looking at PY AWP trying hard to figure out a way to explain but I couldn't. End up, I kept begging client to teach me. I don't mind the scolding, as long as you are willing to teach me, I can take it. That was what I told myself that time. I have to do it, no matter what 'cause I got no one to rely on. No seniors, no manager and what made it worse was this was a second year client. 

Thing started to get worse when I knew that I am going to be the Group Senior-in-charge for a 17 subsidiaries engagement. I was so stressed to the extend that I started to worry about it like 6 months before it actually started. I chased my juniors for the status of subsi every week, forcing them to complete ASAP so that I can start doing my consolidation. The whole process was so TIRING and DE-motivating. 'Cause whenever there was something happened to the subsi, my manager will force me to resolve it on my own, and explained them to partner. Yes, I have to come out with so many idea just to get thing done. I'm tired, super tired. I told myself that this is the LAST, MY LAST ENGAGEMENT. Sorry that I quit after this, NO MORE. 

And that's it. GAME OVER! And I managed to get my supervisor title. Its the end. That audit journey has comes to an end and supervisor is the last stop. I don't want to be promoted to any position higher 'cause I don't think I am capable enough to be a manager. In term of knowledge and experience, I seriously think that I am still lacking in every and any way. I am not very good in negotiating fees with client, I am not very sociable when it comes to build and maintain good relationship with client. I don't, seriously.

I am happy that I actually get to progress to supervisor but at the same time, I am scare of it. The title itself is a little too heavy for me. How do you expect me to fight against the other supervisor out there? How? And what makes it worse is I'm only 25, what can expect from a 25 youngster? You can't be expecting her to deal everything on her own right since she is so new to the society. I feel like I'm a baby trying hard to speak on my own but I failed. I keep having that thought that how do you expect me to be as good as other supervisor that are few years elder than me? How? I don't know, I start to have that fear, what if I cannot perform, what if...

I spoke to one of my client that I am really closed to few days back, I told her my thought. She used to be an auditor few years back and she told me age doesn't matter, your capabilities matter. I don't think I have that capabilities as well. I think all the while I am just lucky, I'm lucky that I was assigned to bad team that allowed me to fully grown and learnt on my own. It was hard at first but its getting more and more comfortable after that. I am lucky that I have a not responsible manager that will push me to the dead end whenever something happened. Because of this, I get to learn to survive, how to resolve thing last minutes. Is this something good? Hmm the process was seriously PAINFUL but I guess I learnt alot?

I feel kind of lost, I don't know what my future hold? What should I do? Continue or exit? Of course I will choose the later one. That's a promise that I made from the first day I entered the firm. 

I think it's time to go...


Sunday, March 21, 2021


Yes, that is my horoscope but I always thought that I do not portrait any traits of it 'cause my birthday is just 3 days before "Cancer" (the next horoscope) and my mum used to tell me that I'm supposed to born few weeks later (from my birthday) so.. that pretty much explain my thought. 

BUT BUT, starting from 2021, I started to realise I did have the major trait of Gemini, which is "the TWIN". They used to say that Gemini baby has dual personalities but they don't show both to anyone. If you happen to be the lucky one to seen both, then maybe you are one of the closest persons to him. I did realise that I have these dual personalities...



我把我的两个engagements如愿以偿地交给了我的junior,在我预料之内,他就 每天埋怨自己的workload太多,埋怨senior可以休息为什么他不能,埋怨为什么他每个weekend都要工作。。。你凭什么埋怨,你有那个资格跟我 比较吗?你凭什么,你拿什么和我比?休息?去年我在挣扎时,你在哪里?我需要帮忙时,你又在哪里?你帮上忙了吗?没有,你什么都没做,躲起来,选择什么都听不见。我从你身上学会了这些,学以致用,在今年发挥得淋漓尽致。属于你的engagement,我选择装没听见,不知道,不明白。你一直缠着我,每天询问我怎么做怎么办,我只回你一句,你去explore就明白了,再不明白,去问manager,我不明白。你不死心,每个meeting都把我拉进去听,要我给予意见,可是我却把我自己mute掉,专心地继续我手上的工作,不要听,不要懂。我凭什么帮你,你帮我了吗?若你去年有助我一臂之力,也许我还能知恩图报,你选择了不闻不问,我也只能袖手旁观。

你向manager complain senior 没有帮你,这么无知的举动,也只有幼稚的你才会。没关系,我的心已经训练得刀枪不入,不怕你投诉,反正撇在心里是挺不舒服的,说出来也不赖。Manager 找我来对话,我告诉他,有些问题很简单,必须让你好好思考,好好磨练,我坦白地告诉了他,我不喜欢你从来不动脑子就来跟我要答案,然后解决了credit 由你 claim。我也不知哪来的勇气告诉他,可是我觉得我应该向他表明我的立场。我说了不帮就不帮。你必须为你去年做过的决定买单。天下没有白吃的午餐,尤其我是你的senior,我从来就没有说过我是君子,我必须承认我是小人,有仇必报,不是不报,只是时机未到。

He tried to follow my footsteps later on and hinting me that he won't be joining any of my engagements' meeting but I turned around telling my manager that he will only need to invite me (alone) to all my engagements' meeting. After all, I don't see the purpose of letting my juniors to join the meeting since they are not contributing anything. Unless they asked, if not I will not get them involved in anything. I have made up my mind, I want to, I HAVE TO leave after this year June. Whatever thing that they don't want to learn now, I will make sure they suffer on their own next year. I gave up, seriously, what's the purposes of pushing them so hard but they don't even want to learn. After all, I only have few more months left and if you want to learn then ask, if you don't, then explore on your own. 

When it comes to feedback session,  my manager actually asked me whether the juniors are ready to be promoted to senior this round, I was pretty shocked (on myself) that I gave him this answer..

"Is not the problem whether they are ready or not, but is the fact that they need to be promoted to learn how to be more responsible. If they are stuck at this rank, I can confirm that they will have the mindset that they are still juniors and therefore senior will have to cover them on anything. Nobody is ready or even born to be senior, they are forced to become one. Everyone will struggle and this is a normal process. When they have to, they have to. "

YES, I TOLD HIM THIS. Exactly, every single word. I think I have came to point where I am really frustrated about them. Don't want to work, don't want to learn and push all the responsibilities to senior. Your senior is not superman that can solve everything, they are human too! Wait till you become one, you will understand. I told my manager this and he kept quiet. I guess he was shocked when he heard my reply. Hahahaa. His concern is he doesn't want to promote them when they are not ready, 'cause in the end if they are promoted to become senior, they will have to lead the engagement and this is where he will get his "heart attack" from reviewing their work and seeing how they managed the client. BUT from my perspective, I would want them to be promoted because once they are promoted, they are considered as" senior" and they gotta act like one. They have to be independence on their own and resolve everything on their own. After all, I got few more months left, so whether or not they can resolve their own issue, is none of my business (I QUIT). 

My manager asked me stay for another year until he retire (he is retiring next year) but I told him directly I won't. Sorry to say that for the sake of my health and life, I won't. I have made up my mind that I gotta go, I have to go. I understand that you want to stay because you need me to lead all the engagements for the last time but I don't want. I am really tired to fight everything on my own. NO, I MEAN NOT ANYMORE. I cannot imagine working with you another year and this is the end.

Who will struggle next year, whether or not the juniors can manage the client, I will leave all to you. This is none of my business and I don't want to know. After all, once I exit this, I will change my number. 你怎么对待我,我就怎么回报你。你知道吗,世上最难搞的人不是那些判死刑的人,而是那些对生活已经绝望,不怕被判死刑的人,因为他们什么都不怕。办公职业也一样,最难搞的是那些对上司已经绝望,不怕你辞退他的人,因为你很需要他们,可是他们却从来都不需要你。。。



Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Year of Rat

Yes, that's right, the year of rat and I'm the rat. I used to be the little girl hoping the next "Rat Year" will come as soon as possible 'cause by the time I hit 24, I will be independence on my own. Pay my own bills, buy my own clothes, do whatever I like. But that is just a joke, a childish joke that I ever told myself. There's no such thing as do whatever I like. Just look at me now, I feel like a robot being controlled by my manager and juniors all the time and sometimes I even forgotten that I'm under their controlled. The feeling sucks, seriously. 

Chinese used to believe that when it reaches your year (your zodiac year), you will experience so called "犯太岁". Don't really know how to explain it but it's basically a bad thing that will happen once every 12 years? I guess I have hit the bottom this year. I have experienced all the unlucky things throughout the whole year. Starting from being involved in a serious car accident right before Chinese New Year and that was really really my first time experienced this. Before I can even react to it, my car already hit on the car infront and I'm sandwiched between a big car (I'm really bad in naming the car model) and a lorry. I was so shocked that I don't even know how to react. My car was badly damaged and I was forced to skip work for the entire day. And and what made it worse was I was actually the senior-in-charge for that engagement, which meant that skipping a day would make alot of difference. 

Next, all of the supervisors in my team LEFT after getting their bonus. They did lead few jobs before this but after they left, these jobs were passed to me, ALONE. I tried to reach out to my manager telling him I can't handle 4 engagements at a time but all he said was "What to do, you have to do". What a CRAP! I have to do, I have to do, I have to do. Yes I know, I have to do but I did asked one of my juniors to help out on drafting the accounts but he did NOTHING. Seriously nothing! I'm telling you I'm fighting everything on my own and I have no one to back me up. The feeling is so so terrible that I would never ever ever want to experience again. Slept at 4am every day and struggling to wake up at 7am the very next day. I felt like dying and sometimes these pressure have caused me insomnia problem, for months. I cried everyday, every night, silently, to express my fear, my anger and the pain. I have experienced serious gastric and insomnia problem because of work. Sometimes I feel like I can't really breathe anymore, this mental stress is eating up every bits of me. 

Third, the COVID issue and this issue is creating lots of problem. Because of this, we were forced to work from home for months and that was the most "darkest" months in my entire life. Obviously work from home meaning that I would have to standby 24/7 and I would need to work for longer hours because I have so many deadline to meet. Meeting, conference call and skype call every single day with my manager and partner just to resolve every single issues so that we are able to meet the deadline. I seriously did not mind to work overtime but I really hate the feeling of I work so hard but in the end my manager still put the blame on me saying that I did not put any effort on my own. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY TIMES I NEED TO "BRAINWASH" MYSELF TO STAY CALM WHEN I FACE THE ALL THE ISSUES? DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE FEAR OF NOBODY TO RELY OR ASK ON? DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? NOOO, and all you did were to jump to a conclusion saying that I did not put any effort. Now justify to me, which part I did not put effort? When I asked you something, you told me you don't know, then how do you want me to do? If you as a manager don't even know how to do, then please don't expect too much from your staff. You're seriously too demanding. What if this scenario happen to your son, how do you feel as a father? TELL ME HOW! 

Forth, my junior's problem. So, I have this very special junior that does not even want to do anything but he demands for good rating and good feedback. Do you think this makes any sense? NO, definitely NO. Sorry that I take feedback seriously. When I asked him for help, he turned around saying that I have transferred my debt to him, why not you define to me what do you mean by "transferring the debt"? Are you trying to say you are not supposed to help me out on anything or you are not supposed to do this? Say it to my face, which one? For whatever choice you pick today, bear that in your mind and I'm going to apply this to your future. Remember, TO YOUR FUTURE 'cause I seriously believe that one day, you will need to experience this and that time, I will tell you the same thing. Please, karma do happen. So he basically did small part of the draft and I happened to take over everything after I managed to meet all the deadline for my other 3 engagements. Seriously, after months, you still do nothing? So what have you done for these few months? You deserve a scold but nobody knows. I happened to complain this to my manager but no action taken. Until the extend that I have a mental breakdown and I cried infront my dad saying that I can no longer take in anymore, my dad called my manager immediately and they have a talk which I prefer not to listen to anything. After this, this junior questioning me on did I complain to anyone that he did not do anything? Why not you ask yourself have you done anything? Have you help out on anything? Did you ever reflect? Stop complaining, start reflecting. 

Fifth, you know when something big happen, the first thing they will say are: cut bonus and cut promotion. Yes that's what the corporate world should be. And I definitely cannot find a perfect reason to define that why can't I promote this round? I have experienced all these shit for months that I even scarified my health for this and you are telling me no promotion because of tough economic situation. Tough? Define please. Since when we did stop our work? From MCO until now, we have been struggling to meet all the deadline and our work never wait for us, in any way and every way. Do you think this is fair? No, nothing is fair. I understand this concept. Never, the world always rewarding the lazy one but neglecting the hardworking one, this is the rule so play it wise. 

Please please. 2020 please get over soon. I have been waiting for it to over so desperately. 'Cause is definitely not my year. I beg for your kindness to please let me go, let me experience some peace for the rest of the months, please. 


Monday, December 16, 2019


I can't believe that I'm actually updating my blog in the midst of peak... Hmm maybe this is the only way for me to express myself, probably. I'm never good in expressing myself, pleasing others to listen to my complains, but I guess I'm pretty good when it comes to words. I always tell myself that write out all my thoughts, you don't need somebody to be at your side all the time. You are independence on your own. Write it out so that you can read it in future, then you can start to laugh at yourself being so innocent and naive in the past. Time will heal, eventually and you will start to forget, bits by bits, those painful memories are not that painful anymore when you can start talked jokes on it. That's how I tell myself everytime I cried, silently. 

Is this really what I want? Being fully occupied with my work and not having enough time for family, friends and probably love one? Is this the life I'm looking forward to? Definitely NO! I used to be the little girl that care more about my make up, starring at the mirror telling myself to put more foundation to make my skin look fairer. But what happen to me now, I don't even have the time to look at my make up, one big drop on my palm, pat it on my face and I'm ready to go. Is this something that I should sacrifice? NO, definitely. I'm here only for work during working hours, after working hours, I'm done, I'm seriously done! Not replying any calls and messages, not bother to look at my junior's works after working hours, NOOOO. That's what I told myself for the past few weeks. I should have my own time. Spending money on the thing I like, spending time with the person I want. 

I hate the feeling of "am I really not a good senior"? I tend to reflect alot, I overthink, most of the time. I pity my juniors for the heavy workload. But that again, I have gone through what they are going through now for the past few years and that earned me the title of "Senior". My senior don't even bother to ask me if I can finish my work on time or not, they just instructed me to finish and let manager to review. Am I supposed to change this culture or should I just follow the culture? If I changed, I will end up spoon-feeding my juniors and me myself will be the one dying. What should I do, I seriously have no idea. This parts are stressing me up most of the time, even if I don't show it physically. This stress is killing me slowly. I happened to wake up in the middle of the night thinking of my juniors can't finish his workload and I will be the one to blame in the end. My manager blamed me for not taking good care of the entire team and my juniors blamed me for giving them too much work...

What should I do? I am not good at leadership and I'm never good at it. My manager is building such high expectation on me and he starts to throw everything to me. When I told him that I don't even know how to do, then he starts to grumble. He did explained to me but the WORST thing is, I don't even understand what he is explaining. I tried so hard to understand, spending so much time to analyse what is he trying to say, but ended up I only get to understand parts of it. I don't even know how to tell him what I don't understand 'cause I can't start, there's alot. Seriously!

My junior has been telling me that he is going to resign soon, exiting this toxic environment, he is indirectly telling me that I'll be the only one that are going to clean up this mess. This MESS? I'm not the one creating it but I 'm forced to clean it up. I don't understand, why can't people just be more responsible toward their work? Why can't they just spend their time to do what they are supposed to do and not rely on anybody else to help him? That's what I told myself, all the time. "You are responsible for whatever thing that you have done". Am I being too "overly responsible", well, in this case, I think the answer should be a YES.

Leaving? Is it only you can think of leaving but not me? Pleaseeeee I think of exiting more desperately than you. After all, I think that I have more capabilities than you, in term of knowledge, responsibility and quality, I think that I'm way better than you. Is not that I don't want to leave, is just that I know when am I supposed to leave. I got that one last thing to learn from this peak and after that I'm done. But speaking of peak, I start to worry. No one is backing me up, no one is helping me out, I've NOBODY, seriously nobody. Juniors are not playing the roles they are supposed to do; Manager is not guiding me like what he supposed to do and I've no senior. Is definitely a miracle for me to survive. If I managed to survive, I will request to exit this mess. If and only if. 

If I didn't manage to survive....   please give me the courage to go 

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


这么快,一年又悄悄地过了。长大了吗?说真的,我的心真的长大了。它变得更能够忍耐更多的是非,更多的无奈。抱怨了吗?抱着抱着,累了,心累,嘴也累,不说了。说个还不错敷衍掉了,也就算了。后悔了吗?选商科吗?这是我永远都不会后悔的事。因为我无法想象自己往后的日子还要学bio, chem 和physics。这是我的死穴,也是我的天敌。

如果我说我从来就不是什么聪明的孩子,你会相信吗?如果我说别人只需要付出100 分的努力,而我却需要付出200,甚至300分的努力,才可以和他们一样,你相信吗? 不信吧?因为在大家眼中,我一直都是个聪明的孩子。原本想努力地解释自己的处境,说着说着,心累了,算了吧,没有人会相信我的。听着听着,也开始对“聪明的孩子”这个标签给弄得麻木了。我不是承认,我只是懒得解释,免得在别人眼中,我又要被他们说我虚伪。




有时候都快崩溃了,真的不懂要和谁说?父母吗?他们能帮我解决难题吗? 朋友吗?他们每个人都有自己的烦恼,他们告诉你了吗?那你凭什么去烦他们?同事吗?他们也有自己的烦恼。算了吧,有时候有些委屈说不出口就别说,反正时间会匆淡一切,也许过了一阵子,就不那么痛了。

