Saturday, May 9, 2015

Call Me Baby

The title might be a bit weird but I'm so in love with this perfect song. Call Me Baby by EXO. My love for exo are getting more day by day. They are too perfect and it's so hard to not listen to their songs every day. Hehe, my love for k-pop is getting deeper than I realized. Anyway, just a bit of promoting, you should go and listen this song either mandarin or korean version cause you might get addicted to it (ohyaaa, please watch the music video too. It's awesome!!) I personally like the mandarin version 'cause I understand more and I get to learn the rap without any pronunciation problem (eventhough I might ended up biting my tongue sometimes, but its kinda fun.) Happy 23th Belated Birthday to my bias, Baekhuyn. You're too cute and I like your squarish smile. It's special. =)

End that topic. Serious mood now. So I've started my university life now. Life as a uni student is great but stress when it comes to dateline and assignments. But one thing that I realized was my foundation works were more harder than what I'm doing now. I used to have like 2 assignments for every subject (Total of 8 assignments for 4 subjects). But now, I only have like 3 assignments for the entire semester. It's like less than half of the assignments that I've done in foundation. That pretty well explain why I'm so lazy now =) And, the topic of assignments are so reasonable as in I understand the entire topic and are searchable through the Internet. Unlike the previous assignments, I don't even get what am I doing (Topic such as: nationalism VS. patriotism) and all I've to do was to nag my dad and asked him to feed me the answer. Being forced to take psychology in foundation is kinda benefited me when I'm in university. Whenever there's an advertisement on magazine, I tend to ask myself to determine the fallacy that might contain in the advertisement. This really helps me in some subjects. Tutor was like trying to tell us what is fallacy and what fallacy might contain in that advertisement. Others were listening to alien  language but I sort of get and understand better. (I kind of proud of myself=))

I guess everything happen for a reason. I struggle so much in memorising and learning the fallacy when I was in foundation and kept grumbling that why they no need learnt that. Now I understand, get to learn more or know more will benefit ourselves in the end. Cheers for my very difficult foundation subjects!!! Thanks for making me knowledgeable. 

Friends. I guess that will be the best important and scariest part when I decided to start my degree life in a completely different university. Orientation didn't turned out as I expected as many of them tend to have their own gang that they formed since their A-level or foundation. I was alone most of the time til I met a girl that sit beside me in the auditorium. We kind of talk a bit (awkward). When she told me she didn't has any friend and I was like (ohyeahh) then I tried to be with her through the whole orientation. Then here comes a girl kept following us. We didn't realized till she built up her courages and talked to us. Later I met another gang but too bad they were pharmacist students except one of them was business. 

Let just name that one person as Y. She used to be a nice person when we first met her. She keeps telling us not to ditch her 'cause she really needs friends and blahblah. It's totally nonsense. (You'll know why if you continue.) She calls me every morning just to make sure that I don't be late to class. She will say okay for everything that you demand her to do. Sounds nice right? There's word called "Never judge a book by its cover." I kind of glad that I have met this kind of friend but I don't know why, whenever I'm with her, I feel so uncomfortable, like this friendship is not real (I've this kind of feeling). Finally, when she gets to know new friends, she sort of draws an invisible line between herself and us. She only bothers us when no one cares about her. At first, I thought it was my problem, maybe I'm too sensitive. But my friend tell me that she has that kind of feeling, then I start to get it. I ask my friend in a very directive way, "Do you still wanna be friend with her?" She says don't know. 

Then, I kind of helping her to make decision to leave this Y. I totally ignored her whatsapp. And when she asked for answer, I just replied I don't remembered, sorry. I didn't even know I'm that dare kind of person until my friend told me. Cos she wanted to leave Y as well but she just don't know how. My past experience (some previous post) has build me into this kind of person. I'm truly glad, like seriously, because of the experience, now I'm able to handle this situation quite well. Prove it to her, if you only need me when you're trouble, then please, leave. I don't need you. Somehow I get to make friends with another big gang. They treat me like younger sister 'cos I'm the maknae again. Then this Y (don't know she did it) told one of my gang's friend that she really hopes to make friends with me and really hope I can mix into her gang. Damn you. Get lost!! I'm serious. Don't just hurt me then say sorry and expect I'll forgive you. Never ever. I don't need you. You want to be with them, go ahead, don't look back!!

Having a bunch of really funny and good friends make my life happier. I don't know why some people I just can be close to them within an hour but some people, it takes me ages and yet I'm still not comfortable with you. I'm that kind of sensitive and think-to-much person. When I'm comfortable with you, I 'll tease you. When I'm not, I'll praise you. Hint**

That's so long..... Okay gonna back to assignments. Having economics test next week. Jiayou!! Please let me get good grade for econ, account, statistics and management!! Bye=)

baekhyunsarangheyo. happystar