Thursday, January 23, 2014



我很傻,对吧?不知你有看《那些年》这部电影吗?你看它时,会不会想起我们的幼稚,天真,再带点傻傻的稚气? 电影的情节很像吧?那你看时,有没有很记忆深刻? 



我们因上课时讲话,最终被老师罚抄课文,我们互相争着骂对方是害群之马。你出现在我的世界,就注定是个给我找麻烦的人,想你消失,却很有缘的出现在同一个地方,又是同天duty for prefect。 我简直快疯了。


毕业的前一天,你急忙从外走进课室,从书包里拿出了毕业照,放在我座位上,然后又看似很忙地在找东西,我知道 也明白,你想化解尴尬,所以选择不看着我。毕业照上很空,没有人签过名字,我很荣幸是第一个,我签了名后,把它交给你,你看都不看,就直接放进书包。隔壁的朋友开始怨你怎么没叫她签名,这时,你才从书包里拿出它,看了下,再交给她签。

我没有特别想说什么,只想说,我们现在仍是朋友。过去的事,我没放在心上,就任由它过去吧! 谢谢你曾经给我这么棒的回忆,我永远都会记得,座位前,座位后,这看似简单的字,但其实它并不简单。因为只有经历过的人,才会知道它真正的意思。我时常说,回忆是本最好读的故事书,百读不厌,越读就越有趣 不是吗?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Driving Experience

Seriously, after attending the amali class, I felt that driving isn't something fun but SCARY!! Seriously. I fall asleep when the person was giving a talk on whatever things ( car's engine) therefore I have totally zero-knowledge about car's engine. The class was full of table and chair but there were only around 16 students in the class. Many of us slept but some boys were listening to the talk. I don't like car. I don't even know a single car model so how am I going to learn about different car's engine? Engine is so complicated. Screwed it up. Look for the mechanic and that's all I know.

They taught us the way to change tyre. First, take out the jack ( don't even know where the jack come from) then put it below the car. blah blah and so on. I know how to change but unfortunately I don't think I have the strength to jack the tyre up for changing. I didn't attend TKD anymore =) Then it came to the most scariest part. One by one practical test... I was the last one to get into the car. OH YESH!! I got to press on the pedal.( My uncle teased me that I'm short, therefore I'll not be able to step on the pedal )I did it. Wait till next year, when I get my driving licence, for sure I will give you a free fetch to anywhere you want xD (Prove it to you. )

 The staring ( I don't know the spelling=( ) wasn't what I expected. The staring was so hard to turn!! I almost bang on a stone when I was trying to turn the staring. The person-in-charge was like, you seriously blur.. haha. You don't say.. I knew I was super blur when it came to car. My car just goes off in the middle of the road. The person-in-charge asked me to turn the key to the right, but what I realized was, when the key was turning to the right, the car engine will be completely off. Only when the key was turning left, the car get to start all over again. ( Mistake xP) It was so scary... Somehow I felt so scared for the next 10 hrs driving lessons. Please prove to me that I'm wrong.

That's all. Bye. I guess I have to sleep earlier nowadays to prevent me to become a real panda. Although panda is cute but I don't really want their eyes... (Panda eye) xD It's new year now.(LATE) Happy New Year.